Origamist? Origamipod? Origamizoid? (I am a big believer that any word becomes cooler with the addition of the suffixes -pod or especially -zoid.)
After sharing my thoughts on the nature of debate and argument and the epistemological tug of war between the human head and heart, he told me about his uncommon medium of expression. Apparently, he is quite good. Good enough to make money at it and have shows both locally and across the country, including at least one in New York. After looking at his website, I would go so far as to say he is exceptional.
Scott is an interesting guy who describes himself as a big fish in an extremely small pond. I, on the other hand, am far smaller and in a much bigger body of water. A lake, maybe, or perhaps even a sea. Probably not an ocean. And I am approximately the size of the fish served other fish destined to be appetizers for big fish.
Maybe I should try origami?