OER Materials for TYCA West presentation "A Rhetorical Story: an OER Unit on Narrative Writing"
These open educational resources are currently being used and revised for future use in Salt Lake Community College's (SLCC) freshman composition course sequence as part of a rhetorical narrative unit. In an effort to further the principles of the open education movement, all are welcome to use, parse, or adapt these materials as they see fit. I only ask acknowledgement be paid to the authors and SLCC's open education program.
This text explores the role of fact in nonfiction and the necessity of interpretation to meaning making.
This is the first iteration of a piece exploring fiction's place in the experience of being human.
A heavily revised version of the text above presents a fiction's place in the experience of being human as a formula of possibility.
An introductory piece on nonfiction and how we use rhetoric, often instinctually, to be in the world through narrating our lives.
A foundational text on narrative as a mechanism for making meaning, a genre as well as a mode, an understanding of human identity, as well as a rhetorical act.
The PowerPoint slides for "A Rhetorical Story: An OER Unit on Narrative Writing"